
Dr. Alexandra Ágoston


H-1111 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 42.

Dr. Alexandra Ágoston


Alexandra graduated in 1987 and passed the BAR exam in 1989. She worked as in-house legal counsel for the International Agency of ARTISJUS, Hungarian Society for Protection of Authors’ Rights. In 1994 she joined a law firm as attorney at law, and in 2000 she started her own practice.

Her practice includes several fields of law; however her main field of activity is copyright law and entertainment law. She works for entertainment related businesses and for individuals as well. She prepares, drafts and approves contracts for her clients, and she also assists her clients in managing other legal issues that may pop up over the courts of their carriers. She protects copyrights and files lawsuits when needed.

She was the expert of the Copyright Experts’ Committee, and now she is the member of the ALAI/ Copyright Forum of Hungary.


English and Hungarian


copyright law;
civil law;
company law

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

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